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Caveat: This is only my opinion and I would appreciate diverse views in the comment section. 

Gather around!
I am tired of listening to people rant about how they are being treated like they don't mean a thing DESPITE being with these unappreciative people through thick and thin, doing their biddings, out of love. Then a mistake ensues, and everything goes disarray. This is somewhat understandable as I have not been spared of such treatment, too.  Although it is often whistled around that love asks for nothing in return. Well...that's a story for some other time.
So if you'd permit me,this is for everyone that feels less appreciated than what they actually deserve.

Most times, it is not about the content. It is not about how eloquent or versatile one is!  I know ya'll have these wish lists you desperately want to make an imprint of the NIKE logo on every of its boxes, but sometimes, an honest attempt make things more interesting. Well, Maybe Not! But everyone deserves to be appreciated! I mean, that feeling of doing something real and right, woow! One should not feel like crap for making an honest attempt.

Attempt at anything good should be lauded! One was unable to do it or do it completely. One is not good at it, but deem it fit to make it a subject of interest. Just. For. You!

A touch of paint of appreciation might change the whole look and make one put in more effort at making the next one a fulfilled act, which the thanks will definitely go to you, the inspiration.
I don't care what it is, what ever it is, no matter how tiny that 'it' is, as long as it is to show you how much one cares, it is good enough.

It might be an;
Attempt at apologizing that is apparently failing;
Attempt at making you feel better even when you are good;
Attempt at making you cry-laugh when you are giggling;
Attempt at looking/conversing their best just to command your attention away from other opposite sex... then appearing lousily jealous!;
Attempt at lifting your sad mood, like some heavyweight champion;
Attempt at expressions of feelings, but end up making a fool of him/herself;
Attempt at creating new challenge to solve, thereby making things interesting, by unnecessarily pissing you off;
Attempt at making you comfortable with eachother but clueless of how;
Attempt at making a conversation out of your stupid, hurtful and monosyllabic replies;
Attempt at giving honest talk that ends up sounding as stupid as... pushing birthday celebrations to a later date;
Attempt at putting up with your attitudes... even if she/he terribly takes an L on it;
Attempt at making complaints that will not bring any detriment to whatever relationship you have.. to make things right, but he definitely blew it!
All should be carefully considered while grinding our axes.
Photo Credit: Twitter.


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